Definition of Croton bug

1. Noun. Small light-brown cockroach brought to United States from Europe; a common household pest.

Exact synonyms: Blattella Germanica, Crotonbug, German Cockroach, Water Bug
Generic synonyms: Cockroach, Roach
Group relationships: Blattella, Genus Blattella

Definition of Croton bug

1. Noun. (zoology) ''Blattella germanica''; German cockroach. See cockroach ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Croton Bug

Crotalaria spectabilis
Crotalus adamanteus
Crotalus antitoxin
Crotalus atrox
Crotalus cerastes
Crotalus horridus atricaudatus
Crotalus horridus horridus
Crotalus lepidus
Crotalus mitchellii
Crotalus scutulatus
Crotalus tigris
Crotalus toxin
Crotalus viridis
Croton bug
Croton bugs
Croton eluteria
Croton tiglium
Crouzon's syndrome
Crouzon syndrome
Crow Point

Literary usage of Croton bug

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Gleanings from Nature by Willis Stanley Blatchley (1899)
"The last of the four cockroaches to be considered is the " Croton bug," ... The egg case of the Croton bug ia very light brown, ..."

2. Medical and Veterinary Entomology: A Textbook for Use in Schools and by William Brodbeck Herms (1915)
"The most widely distributed species are the croton bug, Blatella germanica Linn. ... The name croton bug has been applied to this insect because of its ..."

3. American Gardening (1890)
"Croton bug. — "Insect Life" for March gives a ... But the croton bug, so called from having first appeared in force on the introduction of the Croton water ..."

4. An Introduction to Entomology by John Henry Comstock, Anna Botsford Comstock (1888)
"Croton bug. \ 'f Of our native species there are two which I have found very common at the North. ..."

5. Insects and Human Welfare: An Account of the More Important Relations of by Charles Thomas Brues (1920)
"It was first noticed by the residents of New York City at the time the Croton aqueduct was put into operation, and was called by them the Croton bug on the ..."

6. Our Insect Friends and Enemies: The Relation of Insects to Man, to Other by John Bernhard Smith (1909)
"The German roach or " croton bug " : female, with egg case. 5. Egg of bed-bug. 6. Bed-bug. 7. Caterpillar of a " clothes-moth " in its case. 8. ..."

7. Insects Injurious to the Household and Annoying to Man by Glenn Washington Herrick (1914)
"The German roach, now so well known by the name of croton-bug, ... It is called croton-bug because it was first associated with the water system of New York ..."

8. The American Year Book: A Record of Events and Progress by Francis Graham Wickware, (, Albert Bushnell Hart, (, Simon Newton Dexter North, William M. Schuyler (1915)
"Herms and Nelson have called attention to the ability of the croton bug to pick up ... The bacterial population of a single croton bug was found to be a ..."

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